
ホットチョコレートを少し飲まない?Would you care for some hot chocolate?

ホットチョコレートを少し飲まない? Would you care for some hot chocolate? care for 好む Actually,I don't know if I should stay here in London or not. It'll be all right. 大丈夫だから。 おとなの基礎英語season6,session47

ご迷惑をおかけしたくありませんI don't want to trouble you.

ご迷惑をおかけしたくありません I don't want to trouble you. You might not believe this, We don't see eye to eye. I wish it weren'tthat way. Im so very sorry that i let you down dear. Don't apologize im just glad yo know what really happene…

誤解しないでくださいDon't get me wrong.

Lady? Hello! Can you hear me? 誤解しないでください Don't get me wrong. 会話表現では頻出get me wrong You were always working! You didn't care about me! There was nothing between you and her? Really George? Blieve me. おとなの基礎英語season6…

半分のサイズにしてもらえませんか?Can you make it half-size?

半分のサイズにしてもらえませんか? Can you make it half-size? ちょっと少なめにして Can I have a smaller portion? you only live once,you know? Being grumpy is just a waste of time. 不機嫌にしてたって時間の無駄さ。 Was there a problem at wor…

色々なものを見てきたんですねYou've seen a lot of things.

色々なものを見てきたんですねYou've seen a lot of things. many は文章的 a lot of は口語的 傷心旅行でセブンシスターズへ Morris is the name, photography's the game. I normally do natural landscapes. I'll bet you the sunset is amazing with all…

右に動いてもらえませんか?Could you move to the right?

be made of be made from 右に動いてもらえませんか? Could you move to the right? I couldn't pass up a chance like this. チャンスを逃すわけにはいかない。 Cut it out! やめて! Seven sisters. イギリスの有名な観光地 石灰岩でできた白い崖 おとな…

何が起こっているの?What's going on?

何が起こっているの? What's going on? so you just went behind my back when I was at work? 私が仕事中に裏でこそこそとしてたって? It was all me. I've had it. うんざり。 Is that you? あなたなの? affair 浮気 おとなの基礎英語season6,session39…

どこかでお会いしましたか?Have we met somewhere?

どこかでお会いしましたか? Have we met somewhere? It's a pleasure to meet you. 会えて嬉しい。 おとなの基礎英語season6,session38

ここで降ろしてください。Can you let me off here?

ここで降ろしてください。Can you let me off here? チェスターフィールドチェア おとなの基礎英語season6,session36